Modern dentistry is not limited only to the elimination of caries and giving the smile a snow-white shade. Sometimes you have to use more radical methods for restoring teeth and then you cannot do without the help of a specialist dentist-orthopedist.
An incorrect bite causes not only aesthetic discomfort, but can also negatively affect the state of health in general.
The body is a single system, and if an imbalance appears in one part of it, then it will be reflected in other organs. Malocclusion can cause snoring, hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles, osteochondrosis and digestive problems.
Unevenly standing teeth create additional stress on the temporomandibular joint, resulting in a headache. Therefore, if the dentist recommends contacting the orthodontist at the appointment, do not delay the visit. The sooner you contact a specialist, the faster you will eliminate the shortcomings, get rid of unpleasant accompanying manifestations and you will delight everyone with your perfect smile.